How to Use Silicone Sealant for Roof Coating

How to Use Silicone Sealant for Roof Coating

Dec 5th 2023

When it comes to roof updates, repair, and maintenance, there are few materials as versatile and effective as silicone sealant. After all, a roof needs to be durable, insulated, and aesthetically pleasing, all of which can be accomplished with properly applied silicone.

Here’s everything you need to know to use silicone sealant for your next roof coating project.

Why Use Silicone Sealant for Roof Coating?

Roof coating is a preventative measure that can help prevent roof damage and make a roof last longer than it would otherwise. The roof coating creates a durable, insulative layer to protect other roof materials over time.

Here are a few of the qualities that make silicone sealant a great choice for roof coating.

1. Weather Resistant

Silicone sealant can be made resistant to all kinds of weather. As most roofs have to deal with a fair amount of water throughout the course of a year, water resistance is one of the properties of silicones that makes it a great material for these projects. In addition to silicone sealant’s flying colors with water, it is UV-resistant. This means a silicone-coated roof is more protected from UV rays and helps the roof coating stand up to even the sunniest days.

2. Insulation

In the same way that silicone sealant and related products are extremely effective at insulating your attic from the inside, a silicone roof coating adds a new layer of protection from the heat in summer and cold in winter. This additional insulation can help reduce damage from the elements as well as improve energy efficiency. Whether you’re working on a residential project or a commercial roof, increased energy efficiency is nearly always a selling point for customers.

3. Sustainability

Because of silicone sealant’s durability and effectiveness at preserving an existing roof, it can save on materials for years to come. On top of that, it is known to have low volatile organic compound emissions, making it a green choice for most roofing projects. Because of these properties, silicone roofing problems are few and far between.

How to Use Silicone Sealant for Roof Coating

Now that we’ve gone over a few of the reasons you should choose silicone rubber for your next roof coating job, it’s time to go over how to use it. Follow these steps for a successful roof coating system and application.

1. Clean the Roof

Before taking any further steps, it’s important to make sure your roof is completely clean. This will allow the silicone sealant to adhere directly to your roof without trapping in any dust or plant debris that may have made its way onto your roof.

The first step in this process is to remove any visible debris with a broom or similar tool. Once you’ve thoroughly swept the roof off, it’s time to power wash it to make sure any smaller particles have also been removed. Allow time to dry and be sure there is no moisture left on the roof before you move on to the next step.

This is also a great time to check for areas of the roof that may need a more targeted silicone roof repair. If there are any visible cracks or clearly damaged areas, work on those before proceeding to the next step.

2. Apply Primer

While primer isn’t always required, it does improve the results your roof coating will deliver. Some materials, such as masonry or would, may require a primer for the best adhesion, so consider what you’re applying the roof coating to before deciding whether or not to use primer.

3. Apply the Silicone Sealant

Now, it’s time to apply the silicone sealant. The ideal tools for this kind of job are usually paint brushes for detailed application around windows, chimneys, or other protrusions and a sponge roller for larger, uninterrupted areas of the roof.

4. Allow the Sealant to Cure

While the exact cure time for sealant can vary, most will be fully cured 24 hours after the application is complete. As the material cures, be sure to protect it from moisture, excessive temperature changes, and pressure as much as possible. This will help it maintain a smooth finish and ensure an effective final product.

How to Select the Right Sealant for Your Roof Coating Job

When it comes to roof coating, you’ll need a lot of silicone sealant to do the job right. One excellent choice is 100% RTV silicone sealant, which is available in buckets and usually offers a bulk discount so you can always have it on hand when you need it.

Whenever you are ready to start using 100% silicone roof coating, Silicone Depot is here to help. Order your own buckets today or contact our team for more information on the best silicone for your current projects.