Silicone Sealant Application Mistakes to Avoid

Silicone Sealant Application Mistakes to Avoid

Feb 6th 2023

No one wants to admit they do not know everything, however, it is important to acknowledge where your expertise ends, especially when it comes to working on your home.

When working with silicone sealant, it is important to know the proper methods, uses, and techniques to avoid grueling repairs and do-overs. However, if you are a novice to using silicone sealant, there are some very common mistakes that should be avoided.

Here are some common mistakes working with a silicone sealant that should not be overlooked, especially if you are new to using silicone sealant for projects around your home.

Avoid Common Caulking Mistakes

Not Having the Right Tools

One of the biggest mistakes to avoid is not having all of the materials you need for the projects you are working on. Forgetting the caulk gun, not having the correct type or amount of silicone sealant, and not having the proper tools are all mistakes to avoid.

Some jobs will require the precision and application techniques of caulk guns to accomplish the task at hand, as they can easily apply both long tubes of caulk and a small bead of caulk without the hassle of trying to get a consistent application of squeeze tubes of caulk.

It is also important to wear proper protective gear, such as gloves, to protect your hands from getting stuck with silicone!

Using the Wrong Type of Sealant

Using the wrong types of sealants for the job can lead to disastrous results. There are large differences in sealants that affect their performance and their usage in different applications.

When comparing caulk and silicone sealant,100% silicone is the best choice for sealing things that are exposed to a lot of moisture on a day-to-day basis. Silicone is a water-resistant material, meaning it will not shrink or change in response to water. Therefore, it is much less prone to expansion and contraction.

However, if you need a tight seal when repairing something, caulk would be the better option to consider. Acrylic latex creates an airtight, watertight seal. It offers a very tight seal that is rigid and durable. It is more rigid than 100% silicone sealant upon drying. But this is not the best option for every project.

Not Knowing How to Use Your Tools

It is important to know how to use the tools you want to utilize before attempting a project. For example, you should know the proper techniques to use a caulk gun before using it.

Before using a caulk gun, make sure to clean the surface to you are wanting to apply the caulk. Make sure to hold the caulk gun at a 45-degree angle so the caulk will easily dispense from the gun to the exact area in thin layers.

Then, squeeze the trigger and move over the area you are looking to seal, making sure the tube tip of the gun is exactly to the area of application. Make sure to keep your hands steady to make sure that all caulk is applied correctly.

When applying caulk, move over cracks with the sealant so that both hands remain on the caulk gun at all times. Have one apply pressure to the trigger while the other hand holds the gun steady. However, do not try to fill gaps that are too large or more than an inch deep.

For proper application of a water-based sealant, either uses the tip of your index creator or an ice cube for beading the sealant. If you make any mistakes, simply use a caulk remover tool such as a thin razor blade to remove excess caulk.

While some different sealants have different curing times, it is best to wait approximately 24 hours before attempting any other steps in your project in the immediate area.

Avoid Gasket Application Mistakes

gasket, also known as an O-ring or washer, seals the gap between two surfaces. In most cases, these items are made of rubber and are available in a variety of sizes and shapes depending on their purpose.

Not knowing the difference between the type of gasket makers can be a very bad mistake when trying to insulate your home. Gaskets come in a variety of forms and materials, each with its own intended purposes.

Using the wrong type of gasket can lead to more troubles than needed, so if you want to use a gasket to improve the insulation in your home, consider using a silicone gasket.

Improve Your Insulation with Sealant

Other methods like using our expanding foam sealant for insulation can keep small gaps and cracks closed, leaving the cold air out and warm air in.

Sealing your doors, windows, and other areas of your home is important to insulate your home from the outdoor elements. Want to learn more about how to seal areas of your home to provide insulation or find products for your next home insulation project? Check out our product catalog or blog today!