
What to Do About a Winter Pest Infestation

Dec 12th 2020

Yes, it is cold outside. But it’s warm and cozy in your home. That’s why every local rodent will try to weasel its way into your home. While you might think that bugs have gone far away for the winter, the reality is they haven’t gone anywhere. Cold temperatures make them slow and can even die, therefore to survive the cold, they hide in places, particularly inside the walls of your home. Fortunately, you can take steps to prevent or minimize infestations right now. Here is what you should know:

1. Remove the pests’ habitat

Mice and bugs both love living on lumber; it’s a halfway point until they get into your home. Always make sure that you store firewood no less than two feet away from your home. Go round your home and look for remains like twigs, rocks, mulch, manure piles, and litter and clear them all. Consider pruning tree branches that dangle over gutters or roofs. Sometimes bugs, rodents, and other creepy crawlers sneak in with one quick climb. Also look around for anything that might make a good shelter for pests and ensure that nothing can enter it. Better yet, get rid of those little hideaways altogether if possible.

2. Keep your kitchen clean

Most pests like mice and roaches enter your home not just for warmth; they also want food. Food is the main thing that makes your home attractive to pests during winter. Therefore, never leave grains like cereal, bread, and pasta uncovered. Keep your kitchen clean by vacuuming and sweeping frequently. Never leave the dirty dishes out overnight, and be sure to dispose of any leftover food. 

3. Monitor the moisture levels

Just like any other living thing, pests want to thrive. Roaches, moths, flies, and rats like living in humid areas. Areas like the attic, the basement, or the garage are usually moist and as a result easily attract critters of all types.

To eliminate any risk of a pest infestation, make sure that there is no water leaking from the pipes. Focus on the joints that attach pipes for leaks. Since moisture from ice and snow can soak through small gaps in the windows and the cracks in your sealing, make sure you seal all the holes and cracks with an expanding foam sealant.

4. Seal cracks and holes on the outside of your home

Rodents can fit through a hole the size of a penny, and spaces under the doors and vents in screen doors can give way to roaches. The best way to keep them out is by repairing and sealing the cracks. Seal cracks, especially in places where pipes and cables enter your home. Fortunately, you can get the job done right with silicone sealant.

It is time to lock pests out of your home by keeping in mind the damaging nature and the possible health alarms of pest invasion. Take preventative approaches in keeping pests out of your home by sealing all the cracks that lead into your home. For high-quality products for all of your sealing needs, visit Silicone Depot today and browse through our products.